Insane Heavy Weapon Madness in Destiny 2 – Week 1 Pantheon Review

Discover the crazy heavy weapon meta in Destiny 2's Week 1 Pantheon playthrough!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 enthusiasts are delving into the chaotic world of heavy weaponry in Week 1 Pantheon, with some intriguing insights and surprises surfacing across the community.


  • The dominance of LMGs in the current meta has left players astounded.
  • Different player strategies are showcased, indicating varied approaches to heavy weapon selection.
  • The community appears divided on the effectiveness of certain weapons, sparking debates and discussions.


BrattyNJGirl humorously highlights the impact of the heavy weapon meta on seasoned players from the Forsaken era, showcasing how times have changed.


-GiantSlayer- contemplates the significance of Apex despite its deviation from the expected solar surge pattern, suggesting intriguing dynamics in weapon performance.


Chabungu humorously pokes fun at the struggles of a large player base while engaging in DPS activities, painting a vivid picture of the game’s challenges.


kuksthedefiled sheds light on the overwhelming presence of LMGs and its potential impact on player performance, highlighting the difficulties faced by many in the game.


The_ginger_cow shares insights from their experience with LFG groups, emphasizing the skill gap in player performance and weapon selection strategies, offering a unique perspective on player behavior.