In-Depth Review: Smite 2 – A Divided Debate Amongst Redditors

Redditor Connect-Whole8229 shares thoughts on the divisive Smite 2 changes, sparking varied opinions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Smite 2 has stirred up quite a debate amongst its community as Redditor Connect-Whole8229 delves into the changes and issues they’ve encountered. The post touches upon various aspects of the game, ranging from gameplay mechanics to graphical upgrades.


  • Smite 2 faces criticism for its item system complexity, especially in relation to hybrid gods.
  • Players express concerns over the confusing item shop layout and navigation.
  • The new camera angle and character scale issues impact gameplay experience.

Item System Complexity

Redditor Connect-Whole8229 highlights the issue with the item system in Smite 2, focusing on the limitations faced by hybrid gods. They argue that the current system restricts the versatility and builds of certain characters, leading to potential balance problems in the future. By advocating for more straightforward item mechanics, players seek a smoother gameplay experience.

Confusing Item Shop

In addition to the item system, users express frustration with the revamped item shop interface. The complex layout and unintuitive design hinder new player experiences and contribute to a lack of clarity when purchasing items. The community calls for a streamlined approach to enhance accessibility and improve overall gameplay flow.

Camera Angle and Character Scale

The post mentions concerns regarding the camera angle in Smite 2, noting that the current placement hampers targeting abilities effectively at maximum range. Furthermore, the disproportionate character scale and lighting discrepancies affect the visual appeal and immersion within the game environment. Players emphasize the importance of addressing these technical issues for a more polished gameplay experience.

Despite varying opinions on the changes in Smite 2, the community remains passionate about the franchise, emphasizing the unique elements that set it apart from other MOBAs. While some players appreciate the depth brought by the revamped item system, others yearn for a simpler, more familiar gameplay experience akin to Smite 1. As the development progresses, it will be intriguing to see how Hi-Rez Studios addresses player feedback and refines Smite 2 to cater to a wider audience.