Improving Warwick’s Gameplay Experience in League of Legends

Warwick mains call for quality of life changes to make their favorite champion less clunky and more impactful in League of Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players in the Reddit community are advocating for quality of life changes to improve the gameplay experience for Warwick, one of the beloved champions in the game. These players are passionate about addressing the clunkiness and inconsistencies in Warwick’s abilities to make him feel more impactful and enjoyable to play.


  • Warwick mains are requesting quality of life changes to address gameplay issues.
  • Players are frustrated with Warwick’s abilities feeling clunky and unreliable.
  • Suggestions include improvements to abilities and bug fixes to enhance Warwick’s gameplay.

Improving Ability Interactions

Warwick enthusiasts are highlighting specific issues with his kit that make him feel inconsistent and unreliable in high-level play. The delay on his E ability is seen as a hindrance, limiting Warwick’s responsiveness in crucial moments.

Bug Fixes and Quality of Life Changes

Players are pointing out various bugs affecting Warwick’s performance, such as inconsistencies with attack speed and movement speed buffs. These issues diminish the overall experience of playing Warwick and hinder his effectiveness in matches.

Community Feedback

The community is divided on the necessity of changes, with some acknowledging the need for QOL improvements while others express concerns about altering Warwick’s current playstyle. However, the consensus remains on making Warwick feel smoother and more enjoyable to play.

The discourse surrounding Warwick’s gameplay improvements showcases the dedication of players to enhancing the champion’s experience in League of Legends. By addressing the identified issues and implementing necessary changes, Riot Games has the opportunity to elevate Warwick’s gameplay to a more satisfying level for both casual and competitive players alike.