i0ki: The Official 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2 Arena Mode Tier List… (BEST CHAMPS)

Check out i0ki's tier list for the best champions in the new version of Arena mode in this video.

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Griot the NPC

In i0ki’s latest video, he provides a tier list for the brand new version of Arena mode in League of Legends. With the introduction of Arena 3.0, the game mode now allows for 16 players and comes with various new additions such as Prismatic items and new augments. While i0ki emphasizes that this is a for fun game mode where anything can work, he offers this tier list as a cheat sheet for players who are new to the arena or are playing the new version for the first time. He explains the key factors that make certain champions strong in 2v2 matchups, such as scaling, hyper carry and enabler roles, built-in sustain and healing, CC and zone control abilities, auto attack resets, and the effectiveness of bruisers. On the other hand, he highlights the drawbacks of champions who rely on roaming, global ultimates, pure tanks, assassins, and reset champions.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Scaling champions excel in the 2v2 arena mode as everyone eventually reaches the late game.
  • Hyper carry and enabler roles are now more diverse and effective in this version of Arena.
  • Built-in sustain and healing abilities make bruisers strong due to the close-quarters nature of the map.
  • CC, zone control, and auto attack reset abilities are highly valuable in the arena.

Decent Champions:

In this category, i0ki lists champions who can occasionally succeed if played well and paired with good augments. However, these champions require a level of efficiency, optimization, and luck to perform consistently in the arena mode.

Very Good Champions:

This category includes champions that have a high potential for success in the arena mode. Champions like Bard, Ezreal, and Janna have a variety of synergies with different augments, allowing for versatile playstyles. These champions are known for their effectiveness in enabling their teammates and providing strong utility.

The Cream of the Crop:

These champions are considered broken in the arena mode due to their overall strength and dominance. Champions like Alistar, Ashe, Brand, Galio, and Garen are often picked or banned in most games. They possess a combination of tankiness, displacement CC, sustain, burst damage, or scaling potential that makes them highly oppressive in the arena.