How to Use Flashes And Smokes in Valorant

Knowing how to use flashes is integral to levelling the playing field in Valorant. Learn how and when to use smokes and flashes in Valorant.

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Hamza Bakht

Use flashes in Valorant to blind enemies

Key takeaways:

Some key points you can gain through the article:

  • Flashes are important for site entry 
  • Use flashes are used to take control of areas which is heavily guarded
  • Use smokes based on the situation you are in.
  • Smokes are used to block enemy sight and help pave a pathway to the area you are pushing

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Effective use of flashes and smokes

Are you conservative with your use of flashes and smokes? Are you worried about using them effectively and mess up the round sometimes by not using them? We are here to give you a guide to the effective use of flashes and smokes in Valorant. To ensure the effective use of flashes and smokes in Valorant, we first need to understand the purpose of these 2 utilities. These utilities cost credits and hence should be used in the best way possible.

How to use Flashes in Valorant

Flashes are basically used to enter an area where opponents are holding angles, waiting for you, and shooting the moment they see a glimpse of you. These opponents have an advantage over the peeker as they can place their crosshairs better and know where you will be peeking from. To counter this, the peeker should use flashes so they can level the playing field. You should also use flashes to peek at an agent using an operator as well as during gunfights if available.

To effectively use this utility, you need to use them early in the round as an attacker to help in the entry into the site and controlling it. This blinds the enemies or makes them look away or take cover in order to avoid the blind and give you the necessary time to move further into the site and take control.

As a defender, you can use counter flash to deny entry of enemies into the site, the same way an attacker uses it to enter the site. You can also use the flashes in post-plant situations or to retake a site

how to use flashes in valorant

How to use Smokes in Valorant

Smokes serve the purpose of blocking the sight of enemies and creating safe pathways for allies to move around. But the smokes are very limited and should be used effectively in order to cover the most important paths. Some smokes can also be used to create ‘one-ways’ and get easy picks.

As a defender, you need to make sure that you smoke the entry of enemies so that when they push into the site, they are blind to any strategy or positions in the site, commonly the smokes need to be put as soon as an ally calls that multiple enemies are pushing the site. 

As an attacker, you get a lot of possibilities to use your smokes. If the team decides to enter the site straightaway, you can smoke the common angles in the site so that you can support a safe entry into it. Brim’s smokes are sometimes used unconventionally and put one after another creating a blind path into the site for a safe and easy spike plant. But this method is usually ineffective. 

how to use smokes in Valorant

These 2 utilities are the most important utilities in the entire game, a team without smokes is at a high disadvantage during the game. So it is important to learn how to use these smokes and flashes like a pro in order to take rounds and bring out the full potential of an agent that has these abilities.

For more guides, be sure to check out Best Valorant Crosshair Settings Used By Pros and How to Improve Your Duelist Gameplay.