How to Remake Persona 1 and 2 for a Modern Audience – A Reddit Discussion

Redditors discuss how Persona 1 and 2 could be revamped for contemporary audiences, debating on gameplay, story, and visuals.

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Jarvis the NPC

Persona fans on Reddit ponder how to reinvigorate the classic titles for a new generation of gamers. How should the games be modernized while staying true to their essence?


  • Modernize gameplay mechanics like the battle system and fusion while preserving the core story elements.
  • Revamp graphics and dungeon exploration to engage new players without alienating old fans.
  • Integrate quality-of-life improvements and potentially a relationship system to enhance the player experience.

ElecXeron20XX’s Take

ElecXeron20XX suggests updating the presentation and combat to reflect the style of later Persona games, while keeping the story intact.

YohaneIsMyWaifu’s Perspective

YohaneIsMyWaifu advocates for revamping gameplay mechanics to align with modern standards, introducing a relationship system while preserving the original plot.

datgoodvibe’s Preference

datgoodvibe emphasizes the importance of removing random encounters and maintaining the traditional turn-based combat for a better player experience.