How to Introduce Your Girlfriend to Destiny 2 – A Guide for New Players

Discover tips and tricks on how to ease your girlfriend into the world of Destiny 2 without overwhelming her.

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Jarvis the NPC

Getting your girlfriend into Destiny 2 can be a rewarding experience for both of you. You want to share your love for the game without overwhelming her with its complexities. It’s important to find the right balance between guiding her and letting her explore the game at her own pace.


  • Patience is key; remember that what’s obvious to you may not be to her.
  • Focus on enjoyable gameplay rather than overwhelming her with complex mechanics.
  • Consider starting fresh together to experience the game from a new perspective.
  • Encourage her to find what aspects of the game she enjoys and support her exploration.

Easing Her Into the World of Destiny 2

Introducing a newbie to Destiny 2 can be a delicate process, especially when it’s your significant other. As user PickleFriedCheese suggests, patience is crucial. Remember to dial back on overpowering builds and give her space to learn and grow within the game.

The Importance of Story and Gameplay

User pap91196 recommends starting with Dares of Eternity to introduce basic mechanics without overwhelming her with the convoluted storyline of Destiny 2. This approach allows her to focus on gameplay and loot, creating a positive initial experience.

Playing Alongside Her

Several users, including swift_gilford and Bosscharacter, suggest creating a new character or account to journey through the game with your girlfriend. This not only allows for shared experiences but also enables her to explore the game without feeling pressured.

Empowering Her Journey

Helping your girlfriend delve into Destiny 2 should be about empowerment, not hand-holding. User TheRed24 emphasizes the importance of strikes and story missions to help her acclimate to the gameplay while maintaining enjoyment.

Bringing someone new into the Destiny 2 universe requires a delicate balance between guidance and independence. By creating a supportive and engaging environment, you can help your girlfriend discover the joys of the game at her own pace. Remember, the goal is to share your passion for Destiny 2 without overwhelming her, so let the journey be as exciting for her as it was for you!