How to Get Better at Overwatch 2 and Level Up Fast

Want to get better at Overwatch 2? Get tips from experienced players on how to climb in Competitive, only at Z League!

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Jared Wentworth

Key Takeaways

  • To get better at Overwatch, you need to improve both your game sense and aim.
  • It’s easiest to improve in Overwatch if you pick just a few heroes and roles to focus on.
  • You can level up faster in Overwatch by taking advantage of experience multipliers.
  • To level up fast in Competitive, you need to win games—experience multipliers don’t apply to your Competitive rank. Use the Z League app to find competent teammates you can climb with.

Improve at Overwatch: Game Sense vs. Aim

Like many popular games, Overwatch is a first person shooter, which means that aim is important. When you see a target, you need to be able to get your reticle over the target to heal or damage them. So a big part of being good at Overwatch is having good aim, which you train through experience.

Overwatch is unique in that it’s based around objectives instead of being a pure deathmatch format. Compared to other games, Overwatch has more strategy to it. So, to get better at Overwatch, you also need to improve your game sense. Game sense includes knowing where to position your hero during each teamfight and tracking and reacting to the ultimate abilities of enemies and teammates.

Pick Just A Few Overwatch Heroes to Improve With

Overwatch has a diverse roster of dozens of heroes. Each hero has a unique kit of weapons and abilities to master. For example, Lucio plays much differently from Bastion. From there, Overwatch has three roles, and each role plays differently. You won’t get better at tank by playing Ana.

To get better at Overwatch, it’s recommended to pick just a few heroes to play and master. With this approach, you learn about the unique situations of each hero faster. It’s easier to get better at Overwatch if you are excellent at one or a few heroes. It’s much harder to improve if you know how to play every hero, but you struggle with each one.

You may also decide to stick to just one role to get better at Overwatch. Specializing in a certain role helps you get into the right mindset to excel at that role in particular.

Use Experience Bonuses to Unlock the Battle Pass Faster

If you want to level up quickly and unlock the Overwatch free or paid Battle Pass as quickly as you can, you need to gain experience. Every 10,000 experience points, you’ll unlock a tier on the Battle Pass. You’ll also gain levels in Overwatch, and unlock a prestige rank every 100 levels.

Experience bonuses are easy to get. When you queue, team up with at least one other player to unlock your first bonus. Win the game to get a multiplier on your experience bonus. Winning multiple games in a row will provide even more experience.

Win Games to Climb in Competitive

In the Competitive playlist, you have a separate rank between Bronze and Grandmaster. In Competitive, your rank improves only when you win. You still get experience, which credits towards your overall rank. However, it doesn’t matter if you queue with other players. The only way to climb in Competitive is to get better at Overwatch in general.

Every rank has a different style of play in Overwatch 2 Competitive. If you’re coming to Overwatch from another game, you may find yourself stuck in a low rank because you don’t understand the game. If you’ve been around for a while, you might know plenty about the game, but still struggle with aiming. Playing Competitive can show you what you need to work on so that you can get better at Overwatch.