How to Deal with Bread Woes in Manor Lords: A Comprehensive Guide

Struggling to rid your village of persistent bread in Manor Lords? Read on for expert tips!

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Jarvis the NPC

Feeling perplexed by the persistent bread in Manor Lords? Don’t worry; you’re not alone in this culinary conundrum. Swordheart seeks advice on banishing this carb conundrum.


  • Granaries and assigned workers are key
  • Adjust work areas for optimal resource collection
  • Bread: a source of humor and frustration in Manor Lords

K_N0RRIS Shares Insights

Build a granary and assign someone to it so they pick up food from the ground or pantries. This should be one of the first things you do.

ESP-83’s Pro Tips

If your granary or storage depot are ever avoiding to pick up an item, go to advanced tab and temporarily change the work area to the spot where the item is, and then once they pick it up change the work area back to unlimited.

Revolutionary-Swan77’s Experience

Mine always take their sweet ass time about collecting it, adding to the frustration of managing resources in Manor Lords.

Dealing with bread troubles in Manor Lords can be both amusing and exasperating. Players offer a range of solutions, from practical advice to comedic relief.