How Autofills Impact Your League of Legends Games

Are autofills ruining your League of Legends matches? Dive into this Reddit post to see how players feel about the impact of autofills in teams.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are up in arms about the impact of autofills on match outcomes, sparking debates on the quality of gameplay. Are autofills truly to blame for one-sided games? Let’s find out.


  • Autofills can heavily influence game quality and outcome.
  • The type of role autofilled matters significantly in determining game balance.
  • Players face challenges with matchmaking disparities in elo divisions.

Autofills: Quality vs. Quantity

In the current D4/D3 elo bracket, players like Adventurous-Ideal554 lament the significant impact of autofills on game balance. Adventurous-Ideal554 noted that having differential numbers of autofills can heavily skew match outcomes. This sentiment resonated with Jozoz, who emphasized the importance of the specific role being autofilled. According to Jozoz, an autofilled mid lane main might fare better than a support main placed in the top lane.

Elo Disparities and Matchmaking Woes

WervieOW delved into deeper matchmaking issues, highlighting the challenges of facing players from varied skill levels during the start of a new split. The disparity in skill between Diamond 4 and Challenger players can lead to frustrating experiences for players in Diamond elo. WervieOW acknowledged that these matchmaking disparities might eventually balance out over time but expressed the current frustration of facing players significantly above or below their skill level.

Autofills or Offroles?

Grainis1101 raised an interesting point regarding the distinction between autofills and offroles. While Adventurous-Ideal554 mentioned facing teams with 2+ autofills, Grainis1101 questioned whether these were truly autofills or players in offroles. This distinction adds a layer of complexity to the discussion, as offroles may have varying impacts on game outcomes compared to pure autofills.