How Adding More Maps to Valorant Can Impact Staleness – A Reddit Discussion

Valorant players debate if having all maps in the pool would decrease game staleness or increase excitement.

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Jarvis the NPC

Lotus Valorant map guide title card

Gamers are split on whether having all maps available in Valorant would alleviate staleness or enhance the gameplay experience. The discussion delves into the impact of map rotations on player engagement.


  • Players express mixed feelings about the current map rotation system and its effect on game enjoyment.
  • Debates arise over whether a larger map pool would increase excitement or lead to monotony.
  • Suggestions for weekly map rotations and user-configurable map preferences are put forward to address player concerns.

Opinions on Map Rotations

Some players argue that the limited map pool contributes to staleness, while others find excitement in map variety. A user states, “I remember disliking pearl but as time has passed I miss it.”

Impact of Map Variety

Players like Kathiisu attribute increased excitement to playing a wider range of maps without duplicates. They suggest that having all maps available could enhance game engagement.

Desire for User Control

Players like Woody1872 advocate for user-configurable options to avoid repetitive map selections. The consensus leans towards a balance between map rotations and player choice.