Honoring Akira Toriyama in Fortnite: Dragon Ball Skins Galore

Fortnite players are showing love for Akira Toriyama with Dragon Ball skins. Will we see these skins make a return?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are paying tribute to the legendary Akira Toriyama in the latest season, sporting their Dragon Ball skins in his honor.


  • Fortnite community remembers Akira Toriyama with Dragon Ball skins.
  • Players advocate for the return of Dragon Ball skins in the item shop.
  • Suggestions for proceeds from skin sales going to charity in honor of Toriyama.

Players Paying Tribute

Fortnite players are deeply affected by the passing of Akira Toriyama, with many choosing to showcase their respect by equipping Dragon Ball skins. Some express their regret for missing previous bundles and hope for their return to honor Toriyama’s legacy. The community suggests dedicating all proceeds from these skins to a charity in memory of the legendary creator.

Dragon Ball Skins Resonate

Many players resonate with characters from Dragon Ball Z, like Gohan and Goku, as they hold a special place in their childhood memories. Equipping these skins serves as a homage to Toriyama’s influence on their lives, blending nostalgia with gaming in a unique way.

Skin Choices Reflect Sentiment

The community showcases varied responses, from opting for specific Dragon Ball skins to expressing intentions of wearing them throughout the season. The choice of skins reflects individuals’ emotional connection to Toriyama’s creations and their desire to commemorate his impact through their in-game avatars.

As Fortnite players unite in honoring Akira Toriyama, the presence of Dragon Ball skins serves as a poignant reminder of the profound impact pop culture icons can have beyond their original realms.