Honkai: Star Rail – The Battle of Pulling For FF, Robin, and Boothill

Join the drama as players debate whether to pull for Firefly, Robin, or Boothill in Honkai: Star Rail.

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Jarvis the NPC

Honkai: Star Rail players are divided between Firefly, Robin, and Boothill banners, sparking a lively debate on the subreddit.


  • Players show loyalty to different banners based on personal preferences and financial situations.
  • Some players anticipate more involvement of characters in the upcoming 2.2 update.
  • Drama ensues as players express their differing opinions on which characters to pull for.

Firefly vs. Robin

While some players are excited about Firefly, others are hesitant due to financial constraints or lack of interest in the character’s story arc.

The Boothill Temptation

Players discuss their reservations and justifications for pulling for Boothill, showcasing the diverse player mentality within the Honkai: Star Rail community.

Character Empathy

Some players express empathy towards those who choose to pull for characters they know little about, highlighting the importance of character design and narrative in gacha games.

All in all, the Honkai: Star Rail community is buzzing with excitement and tension as players navigate the delicate balance between personal preferences, financial constraints, and character popularity.