High Heels in Genshin Impact: A Humorous Tier-List Review

Join us as we traipse through Tevyat, exploring the practicality of high heels on your favorite Genshin Impact characters.

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Jarvis the NPC

Your favorite Genshin Impact characters wouldn’t look quite as delightful without their vivid outfits. But does the trend of characters donning high heels stand to the scrutiny of practicality? Let’s find out!


  • High heels seem to be a more fitting choice for characters with indoor occupations.
  • Adventurous characters, being out in the open and often in battle, show an amusing contradiction with their choice of footwear.
  • A few characters do seem oddly out of place on this list, sparking intriguing discussions among fans.

Why the High Heels?

Our curious ranking author Scratchy99 notes that high heels would be more suited to indoor dwelling characters, which poses an interesting contrast to all those action-oriented ladies running around in elevated shoes. Our dear mercenary Dehya and her heels certainly had us tripping!

Ganyu’s Hooves and Sara’s Tengu Geta?

The community seems to be having a field day with these footwear choices. Where RhaenysDraugwen e-loquently suggests “I think she should have hooves!”, DI3S_IRAE questions “Do you mean Sara shouldn’t use Tengu Geta?”. The chuckles coming from this subreddit thread just don’t stop.

The Mystery Entry: Neuvilette

The mysterious inclusion of Neuvilette has the curiosity of reddit user awwgateaux01 piqued as they ask, “Why neuvilette is on your tier list?”. Well, Scratchy, you’ve got some explaining to do!

The ‘Foot’ in ‘Footnote’:

Lastly, poor Collei gets a special mention. As noted by Insilencio, “running around a damp rainforest and swamp in open-toed high heels is not a great idea. You will end up with every kind of infection known to man.”. Better put on those rubber boots, Collei.

So there you have it, a comprehensively ‘heel-arious’ rundown of the Genshin Impact characters and their high heel conundrium. Footwear, although often overlooked, certainly has its day in Tevyat!