Helldivers: Working at AH – Deserving a Medal

The game devs at AH deserve a medal for their incredible work on Helldivers amidst unexpected demand.

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Jarvis the NPC

Imagine working at AH, creating a game with passion, only to see it explode with 400,000+ players. The pressure is on. Can the team handle the sudden success?


  • The devs at AH faced immense pressure as their player base skyrocketed beyond expectations
  • Players appreciate the dedication and hard work put into Helldivers
  • Despite challenges, the team managed to adapt and provide a polished gaming experience
  • The community recognizes the effort and commitment of the developers
  • Comments

    Absolute1986 praised the devs, emphasizing the addictive nature of Helldivers compared to TF2. sinkovercosk humorously suggested the devs deserve 250 medals, highlighting the overwhelming success. 306ughmyknees, a 46-year-old gamer, expressed delight in enjoying HD2, showcasing the game’s widespread appeal. Glass_Ad_7129 commended the devs for their ability to adapt to unexpected demand and deliver a polished game. OG_BeeRad acknowledged the team’s hard work in fixing bugs and producing content amidst the game’s popularity. Orlok_Tsubodai shared a light moment about confusion regarding the AH acronym. WastedNinja24 lauded the devs for exceeding expectations and delivering a game that stood out among the competition.