Helldivers: Why Do the Robots Want Troost? Discussion and Analysis

Exploring the mystery behind why the robots have their sights set on Troost in Helldivers.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers are questioning the robots’ interest in Troost and Reddit is abuzz with theories and speculations.


  • The robots’ goal on Troost goes beyond mere occupation; it serves as a strategic location for their communication relay.
  • The foggy terrain of Troost offers a challenging and engaging gameplay experience for Helldivers.
  • Players appreciate the diverse atmosphere in Helldivers, showcasing different levels and environments.

Robots and Troost

According to user AproperBLUNT, the robots have a specific purpose for taking over Troost beyond simple conquest. It’s a crucial center for their deep space communications relay, setting the stage for a larger offensive.

Player Experience on Troost

Redditsukssomuch expresses excitement for the foggy levels on Troost, highlighting the unique and eerie atmosphere it provides reminiscent of old monster movies. The varying environments in Helldivers add depth to the gameplay and keep things interesting for players.

Strategic Importance of Troost

Repulsive-Zone-5529 emphasizes the tactical advantage of Troost due to its low visibility, making it an ideal location for enemy command operations. However, the Helldivers’ strength poses a constant challenge to the robots’ control over the planet.