Helldivers: Waiting for the Next Warbond Trailer

Get ready for super credits and stealth options in the upcoming Helldivers Warbond trailer!

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers fans are eagerly anticipating the release of the next Warbond trailer, speculating on new features and upgrades. Check out the subreddit discussion below!


  • Players are excited about potential new content in the upcoming trailer, from super credits to stealth options.
  • Speculation ranges from new weapons like knives and bows to bug fixes and improvements in gameplay.
  • The community is supportive and engaged, offering suggestions and expressing their anticipation for the update.

Super Credits and Stealth Options

One user expressed concern over acquiring enough super credits for the new Warbond, highlighting the desire for new gameplay elements to earn these credits.

Weapon Wishlist

Several players shared their wishlist for new weapons, ranging from stealth options like knives and pistols to more futuristic weaponry like plasma guns.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

Anticipation for the trailer also includes hopes for bug fixes and gameplay improvements, showing the dedication of the Helldivers community to the game’s success.

The Helldivers subreddit is buzzing with excitement as fans eagerly await the next Warbond trailer, eagerly speculating on what new features and improvements will be revealed. From super credits to stealth options, players are discussing all the possibilities and eagerly awaiting the chance to dive back into the action-packed world of Helldivers.