Helldivers: The Salty Debate on Grenade Exploits

Join the heated discussion on grenade exploits and the impact they have on the Helldivers community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players are divided over the use of grenade exploits, with some expressing frustration…


  • The prevalence of grenade exploits has polarized the Helldivers community
  • Players express concerns over the impact on game balance and enjoyment
  • Some players advocate for stricter measures against exploiters

Players’ Frustrations

Many players like jeffspainuscupcake expressed disdain for those abusing grenade exploits, citing a negative impact on gameplay and overall experience.

Community Response

While some, like captainpharmer, take matters into their own hands by kicking exploiters, others, like Dark-Cloud666, opt to adapt their gameplay to counter these issues.

In-Game Realities

WakeValhalla highlighted technical concerns, noting frame drops and potential crashes associated with grenade exploits, affecting the game’s performance for all players.

Community Bonds