Helldivers: The Ricochet Update Debacle – Community Outrage

Are the ricochets in Helldivers more deadly than the bugs? Find out how players are reacting to the latest update.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Helldivers community is up in arms about the ricochet nerf that is ruining their gameplay experience. Player Darklarik has started a thread expressing frustration over the excessive ricochet deaths, sparking a heated debate among fellow divers.


  • Players are divided on the impact of ricochets after the update.
  • Some claim to have been killed multiple times by ricochets, while others have not experienced this issue at all.
  • Suggestions for video evidence and bug identification have been brought up.
  • Speculation arises on whether certain weapons are more prone to ricochets.

Community Reactions

Player daugherd shares, “I haven’t had a ricochet yet and played a few hours. Is it mostly rockets?” However, FishoD is baffled by the complaints, stating they have not encountered such issues despite playing extensively on challenging levels with various weapons.

The Debate Rages On

Player Kiyan1159 challenges the narrative, declaring, “Imma be real, I’ve yet to see these ricochets that people are upset about.” Yet, Firannunion raises doubts about a potential bug with the eruptor weapon, suggesting it may be the cause of the problem.

Is it a case of selective perception, fear mongering, or a genuine issue with the game mechanics? The Helldivers community remains divided on the controversial ricochet nerf. Whether a hotfix is imminent or further investigation is needed, one thing is clear – the ricochet debate is far from over.