Helldivers: The Hilarious Chaos of RL-77 Airburst Rocket Launcher

Enter the chaotic world of Helldivers and the uproar over the proximity fuse of RL-77 Airburst Rocket Launcher.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Helldivers community is in an uproar over the proximity fuse of the RL-77 Airburst Rocket Launcher, sparking a mix of confusion and amusement.


  • Players baffled by the unpredictable behavior of the RL-77 Airburst Rocket Launcher.
  • Some suggest the weapon needs fixing due to its randomness.
  • The community finds humor in the chaos, sharing funny anecdotes and experiences.

The Confusion Unleashed

The discussion kicks off with Alphado-Jaki expressing frustration, jokingly implying they need a checklist before using the weapon. This sets the tone for the thread, highlighting the weapon’s erratic nature.

Developer’s Response

Ivanrock12345’s comment sheds light on the developers acknowledging the issue and promising a fix. This reassures players that the chaos may soon be under control, sparking hope and anticipation.

Community Banter

Players like AllenWL and JurassicParkHadNoGun inject humor into the situation, with one likening the rockets to taking things personally and the other questioning the weapon testing process. It’s clear the community finds amusement in the chaos.

SaltedCaffeine’s plea to send feedback to the developers shows a proactive approach from the community, hoping for improvements while maintaining a light-hearted spirit.

The thread showcases a mix of confusion, amusement, and a shared joy in the unpredictable nature of the RL-77 Airburst Rocket Launcher, turning what could be seen as a flaw into a source of entertainment within the Helldivers community.