Helldivers: The Hellmire Experience Revealed by Players

Discover what Helldivers players love and hate about Hellmire in this amusing post and comments.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers are sharing their thoughts on the Hellmire experience, revealing a mix of love and frustration. Whether it’s the bugs, fire tornadoes, or objectives, players have a lot to say.


  • Players find Hellmire both challenging and frustrating due to fire tornadoes.
  • Some players enjoy the strategic gameplay Hellmire offers.
  • Players express a love-hate relationship with Hellmire and its unique gameplay elements.

General Alduin’s Bug Squishing

General_Alduin humorously compares Hellmire to moths flocking to a flame, showcasing the addictive bug-squishing satisfaction in the game.

Angry Queef Master’s Frustration

Angry Queef Master vents about the frustration of sentient fire tornadoes and how they disrupt objectives, leading to moments of annoyance and wasted time.

Perslv85’s Spa Comparison

Perslv85 amusingly compares Hellmire to a spa compared to Fenrir III, highlighting the varying perspectives players have on the game’s challenges.