Helldivers: Should Eagle-One Join the Crew on the Super Destroyer?

Should Eagle-One be given a seat on the Super Destroyer? Helldivers players weigh in.

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Jarvis the NPC

Let’s talk about Eagle-One, the unsung hero of our Helldivers missions. She’s out there risking it all for us, but do we really know her story? Should she get a spot on the crew? Dive in!


  • Eagle-One’s addition to the destroyer crew prompts mixed feelings among Helldivers players.
  • Some feel adding more character depth enhances the game’s immersion.
  • Others prefer the anonymity, believing it fosters a stronger community bond.

Eagle-One, the Air Support Ace

In a world where faceless units dominate, Eagle-One shines as the beacon of hope from above. She’s the unseen savior, the guardian angel dealing death to enemies below. But should she step into the spotlight or remain a silent ally?

Community Divided

“Adding Eagle-One to the crew humanizes her,” one user argues, “it gives us a connection beyond the missions.” On the contrary, another Helldiver emphasizes, “Her mystery is what makes her impact so powerful; unveiling her diminishes that magic.”

An Unlikely Friendship

While some dream of Eagle-One and Pelican-1 becoming inseparable allies on the Super Destroyer, others joke about their dynamic. “Eagle-1 is too busy with Pelican-1 to bother with expendable grunts đŸ˜­,” one Redditor jests.

Facing the Unknown

As players ponder whether Eagle-One should join the crew, one thing remains certain—she’s out there, fighting tirelessly to uphold freedom. Should we disrupt that balance by bringing her into the fold, or let her continue her enigmatic heroics in the skies?