Helldivers: Seeking More Survival Strategies and Loadout Diversity

Delve into the world of Helldivers as players discuss the need for new survival-based strategies to diversify loadouts.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players are advocating for more survival-based strategies to add diversity to loadouts and reduce the overwhelming preference for the shield pack.


  • Players are calling for new survival-oriented strategies to encourage loadout variety.
  • The shield pack’s popularity stems from its utility in preventing ragdoll and hit mechanics.
  • Existing suggestions include the REP-80 healing gun, Angel healing drone, and Displacement Field perk.

REP-80: Healing Powerhouse or Overpowered?

A debate ensues over the potential introduction of the REP-80 healing gun from Helldivers 1 into the sequel. Some players argue it could be overpowered due to its healing capabilities and range limitations, especially in frantic HD2 scenarios. The lack of a bleed-out mechanic in HD2 alters how such support stratagems could function, raising concerns about balancing issues.

The Angel Healing Drone: A Mobile Lifeline

Players express enthusiasm for the Angel healing drone’s potential inclusion in Helldivers 2 due to its mobile healing nature. The absence of health regeneration without stims in HD2 enhances the desirability of the Angel, prompting suggestions for ammo limitations to balance its utility effectively.

Displacement Field: A Tactical Escape Mechanism

The idea of introducing the Displacement Field perk as a backpack stratagem sparks interest among players seeking alternative survival options. The perk’s teleportation feature offers strategic escapes from critical damage scenarios, providing a different approach to survivability compared to the shield pack.

The community’s diverse opinions and creative suggestions reflect a shared desire for more strategic depth and choice in Helldivers’ gameplay. As players continue to experiment and offer feedback, Arrowhead Studios may consider implementing new survival-based strats to enrich the game’s experience and promote diverse loadout selections. While the shield pack remains dominant for now, the potential introduction of innovative survival-oriented tactics could reshape players’ preferences and gameplay strategies, fostering a more dynamic and engaging Helldivers universe.