Helldivers Roasting: Arrowhead Fires Shots on Tarkov Devs

Arrowhead's Twitter account is setting Tarkov devs ablaze with spicy roasts. Dive into the drama here!

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers fans are buzzing over Arrowhead’s Twitter roasting the Tarkov devs. The fiery exchange has sparked a heated debate among gamers.


  • Arrowhead’s Twitter roasts on Tarkov devs spark controversy
  • Community divides over Tarkov’s pricey DLC
  • Players express frustration with Tarkov’s game pricing
  • Debate rages on about Tarkov’s current state

Arrowhead’s Firestorm

Users are divided over Arrowhead’s brazen tweets mocking Tarkov devs. Some appreciate the humor while others deem it as unprofessional.

Players’ Priced-Out Pains

The ongoing debate centers on Tarkov’s expensive DLC, with players expressing discontent over the pricing model.

Community Controversy

Opinions range from Tarkov’s perceived greed to questions about the game’s direction and community relations. The Tarkov saga continues to unfold amidst the online uproar.