Helldivers Reddit Discussion: Are Bots or Bugs More Fun?

Helldivers fans debate the excitement of fighting against bots versus bugs in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers fans on Reddit are torn between the challenges of battling bots and the thrill of facing bugs in the game. Some prefer the tactical challenge presented by bots, while others find bugs more enjoyable to fight against.


  • Players debate whether fighting against bots or bugs is more enjoyable.
  • Some appreciate the tactical challenge of bots, while others find bugs more fun.
  • Opinions vary on the difficulty and fairness of battling bots versus bugs.

Bots Over Bugs?

One user, devopablo, points out that for many players, bots offer a more challenging experience compared to bugs. They highlight the appeal of switching off and simply enjoying the combat. While they personally prefer bots for the tactical element, they acknowledge that others may have different preferences.

Fun with Bugs

On the other hand, ItsYume expresses enjoyment in fighting against bugs, finding them more entertaining as opponents. Bugs provide a different kind of challenge and excitement, which appeals to certain players who prefer this dynamic.

The Fairness Debate

JunglerFromWish weighs in on the fairness of battling bots versus bugs. While acknowledging the punishing nature of bots, they find bugs to be more balanced in their combat encounters, leading to a more enjoyable gameplay experience for them.

In response to the ongoing debate, KCDodger urges players to refrain from criticizing others’ gameplay preferences, emphasizing the importance of allowing each individual to enjoy the game in their own way. MichaelMcNanner echoes this sentiment, highlighting the need for acceptance and respect within the gaming community.