Helldivers: Let’s Go, We’re Getting Pet Fish and More!

Buckle up, soldiers! Helldivers are about to get some aquatic friends. But what happens next?

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers are in for a treat as they welcome pet fish into their ranks, sparking curiosity and excitement among players. The post by odeacon on the Helldivers subreddit has ignited a frenzy of discussions around the potential implications and future adventures involving these new aquatic companions. Let’s dive into the community’s reactions and speculations!


  • Players rejoice over the addition of pet fish, speculating on their potential roles in the game.
  • Questions arise about the fate of the fish and potential gameplay elements like fishing mini-games.
  • Excitement brews as players plan aquarium upgrades for their spacecrafts.

Reactions to Pet Fish Announcement

“LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PET FISH ON SHIP WHEN,” exclaimed DerelictRaven621, capturing the enthusiasm shared by many.

StannisLivesOn questioned the fate of the fish, sparking a debate on their longevity within the game’s universe.

p_visual pondered the possibility of fishing mini-games on planets with lakes, hinting at potential new gameplay mechanics.

Speculations on Pet Fish and Gameplay

UnusualAd1425 delved into the lore, wondering about the citizenship status of Hell Divers and their relationship with these newfound aquatic companions.

TheAzureMage shared their plans for an aquarium upgrade, showcasing the creative ways players are integrating the pet fish into their gameplay experience.

OperatorOri added a humorous twist, referencing ‘killer fish from San Diego,’ highlighting the community’s playful banter surrounding the unexpected addition.

Amidst the excitement and speculation, players are eagerly anticipating the arrival of pet fish in Helldivers, preparing to embark on new adventures and customize their gameplay experience like never before.