Helldivers: How to Fix the HMG – Reddit User Suggestions

Discover how Reddit users are proposing fixes for the HMG in Helldivers, from ammo backpacks to hitmarkers!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you tired of the HMG’s reload issues in Helldivers? Reddit users have some unique solutions to offer!


  • Proposed fixes range from ammo backpacks to targeting reticles
  • Users are divided on whether to increase the drum size or maintain high recoil
  • The community desires more utility and unique features for the HMG

Creative Suggestions

Slickbeat highlights the HMG’s reload issue and suggests an inventive backpack solution

ColebladeX proposes a fun idea of taping two HMGs together

Jaded-Engineeer desires a minigun with on-the-move reload capability

Inevitable_Spell5775 envisions a bipod and increased backpack capacity

Utility vs. Firepower

Users debate whether enhancing damage or maintaining recoil will improve the HMG

SuperArppis suggests a 200-round mag and hitmarkers for better performance

TheRyderShotgun humorously pitches the idea of an HMG guard dog

Final Thoughts

The suggestions for fixing the HMG in Helldivers reflect the diverse needs and desires of the player base, showcasing a mix of practical and creative solutions. It’s evident that players are passionate about enhancing gameplay and adding unique features to their favorite weapons.