Helldivers: Exploring the Explosive Dilemma on Reddit

Helldivers players share hilarious thoughts on missed bomb codes in a Reddit post.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a lively discussion on Reddit, Helldivers players debate what should happen if you miss arming the hellbomb. Some propose it should immediately explode as a comedic twist, while others argue it would change the game dynamics.


  • Players speculate on the consequences of missing the code on the hellbomb
  • The idea of it exploding immediately creates mixed reactions
  • Some find humor in the concept, while others see it as an exploit to optimize gameplay

Players’ Take

One player humorously suggested, “It would be funny, but it would quickly become the optimal thing to do.”

Another player highlighted, “Kind of defeats the point of having to arm it, I would suicide 1 reinforcement every time.”

Contrasting Views

A player pondered, “So, you’re saying if you fail to arm the bomb, you arm the bomb?”

Another player found the idea both practical and amusing, stating, “That’d actually be pretty practical and funny.”

Game Dynamics

One player suggested a different twist, commenting, “Once it’s armed, if it’s shot it should explode.”

While another player questioned the logic, asking, “Why would failing to arm the bomb cause the bomb to arm?”

The thread ended with a player simply stating, “No. Goodbye.”