Helldivers: Eavesdropping Aliens and Beeping Gunships

Helldivers face sneaky enemies and curious gunships as they tackle the question of alien hearing abilities.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers often find themselves in situations where sneaky enemies and curious gunships test their abilities. An interesting Reddit post raised the question: Do the aliens in Helldivers have supersonic hearing?


  • Aliens in Helldivers seem to have uncanny abilities, from instant detection to possible supersonic hearing.
  • Players joke about the stealthy enemies and the challenges they face in gameplay.
  • Gunships in the game add to the intrigue with comments about beeping sounds and insta-spotting players.

Curious Aliens with Enhanced Hearing

Helldivers players theorize about the alien enemies having superhuman hearing, leading to instances where they are instantly detected despite attempts at stealth. This adds an extra layer of challenge to the gameplay, with players strategizing how to navigate these keen-eared foes.

Whispers in the Shadows

Discussions delve into the sneaky nature of the enemies, with humorous anecdotes shared about trying to outsmart them only to be foiled by their heightened senses. The element of surprise often turns into moments of hilarity as players adapt to the unexpected twists.

Gunship Shenanigans

Gunships in Helldivers are not left out of the speculation, as players jest about beeping noises leading to comical situations in-game. The idea of gunships tuning into voice chat for intel sparks amusing scenarios and adds a touch of tech-induced chaos to the battlefield.

The world of Helldivers is filled with unpredictable foes and quirky moments, keeping players on their toes as they navigate through missions. The mix of challenge and humor makes every encounter unique, showcasing the blend of intense action and light-hearted fun in the game.