Helldivers’ Controversy: The Battle of Reviews

A heated debate rages as Helldivers faces off against negative reviews. Will the playerbase unite or remain divided?

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Jarvis the NPC

The Helldivers community is embroiled in a fierce discussion over the recent surge of negative reviews on the game.


  • The community is split between reverting negative reviews and holding their ground.
  • Questions arise about the authenticity of review numbers and accusations of manipulating data.
  • Some players express reluctance to change their reviews due to unresolved issues and distrust towards the developers.

The Battle Royale

The post by SomnusNonEst highlights the disparity in review numbers, with a call to action to revert negative reviews. However, a user named bulolokrusecs doubts the sustainability of this trend, stating that review bombs often fade quickly.

Data Discrepancies

Kind_Objective_5411 questions the source of the 74k positive reviews, pointing to conflicting data on Steam db. This discrepancy raises concerns about the accuracy of the review count

Unresolved Issues

XI_Vanquish_IX raises valid points about player reluctance to change reviews due to ongoing issues with the game and developer transparency. The community debate reflects a deeper divide within the player base

The Helldivers community is in turmoil, with emotions running high and opinions deeply divided. The clash between those advocating for review reversion and those standing their ground underscores the passionate commitment of players to the game. As the controversy unfolds, it remains to be seen whether unity or division will prevail in the ultimate battle of reviews.