Helldivers Community United: Article 5 Declaration

Join the Helldivers community in upholding Article 5 for solidarity in gameplay!

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Jarvis the NPC

The Helldivers community recently rallied together to uphold Article 5, ensuring no diver is left behind. The declaration resonated with players, invoking unity and camaraderie.


  • Players unite to support Article 5 for solidarity.
  • The community emphasizes the importance of teamwork and loyalty.
  • A call to action for players to stand together against adversity.

Support and Encouragement

Many players expressed solidarity with the declaration, vowing to support their fellow divers in their missions. ‘No diver left behind if they can’t dive, I won’t dive!’ proclaimed one player, reflecting the unity within the community.

Dissent and Discord

Despite the overall positive sentiment, some players expressed reservations about external influences on the game. One player criticized Sony for their actions, highlighting a sense of dissatisfaction within the community.

Community Resilience

Amidst discussions of teamwork and commitment, the community showcased its resilience and determination. Players emphasized the importance of standing together, echoing the core principles of cooperation in Helldivers.