Helldivers Community Outrage: Consumers Feel Like Idiots

Helldivers community rises up against publisher's treatment, declaring they won't be treated like idiots anymore.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Helldivers community has sparked a heated debate over recent actions by the game’s publisher, leading to players expressing frustration and a sense of betrayal.


  • Players feel insulted and manipulated by the publisher’s decisions.
  • Many believe the actions are driven by profit rather than player safety.
  • The community is united in voicing their discontent and taking a stand against the treatment.
  • Consumers are showing support for each other and advocating for a stance to vote with their wallets.

Community Outcry

The post by Phil_Tornado sheds light on the sentiment shared by numerous players who feel undervalued and misled by the publisher’s recent actions. The community is vocal about not wanting to support a company that treats them as naive consumers, prioritizing profit over player satisfaction.

Debunking the Safety Argument

One user, piracydilemma, highlights the flaw in the publisher’s argument of enhancing safety by pointing out the real motive behind the decision: data collection and shareholder interests. This revelation further fuels the community’s sense of being manipulated.

Standing Up for Self-Respect

PaleHeretic’s analogy humorously portrays the situation, emphasizing the importance of self-respect and not tolerating manipulative tactics from companies. Players are encouraged to prioritize their values over blind compliance.

Voting with Wallets

User Patient-Section-7679 advocates for the community to speak the language that matters most to corporations – money. By refusing to support products that disregard consumer concerns, players can exert their influence and demand respect in return.

Players are adamant in their stance against being treated as pawns in a corporation’s profit scheme. The call for accountability and respect resonates throughout the community, showcasing unity in the face of perceived exploitation. As the players continue to voice their discontent, the message is clear: consumers are not to be underestimated or taken for granted.