Helldivers: Breaking News and Purchase Restrictions

The purchase restrictions on Helldivers have caused quite a stir among the gaming community. Find out what players are saying!

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players are in an uproar over purchase restrictions. Find out why the gaming community is buzzing.


  • Players frustrated with purchase restrictions
  • Sony and Steam caught in the crossfire
  • Issues with accessibility for certain countries

Steam or Sony Who’s to Blame?

Is it Sony or Steam causing the purchase restrictions on Helldivers? Users debate the origins of the issue, but frustration is high.

Valve’s Role

Valve’s decision to delist the game has left players wondering who holds the power. Steam’s actions have triggered a wave of discontent among the community.

PSN Expansion

Speculations arise regarding PSN expansion to new countries. The challenges of integrating PC and PS markets fuel the debate on the issue’s complexity.