Helldivers: Airburst Weapon Brings Explosive Fun to the Game

Check out how Helldivers players are using the Airburst weapon to take down walkers and create chaos!

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players are raving about the Airburst weapon’s ability to take down walkers and create chaos in the game. One player even mentioned how it’s a neat feature that can turn the tide of battles.


  • The Airburst weapon in Helldivers brings a unique gameplay experience by allowing players to use proximity-triggered mini cluster bombs.
  • Players have discovered creative ways to utilize the Airburst weapon, such as targeting specific weak spots on enemies like walkers.
  • The community’s excitement over the Airburst weapon showcases the game’s dynamic and strategic combat elements.

Players’ Reactions to Airburst Weapon

“Mine just blows up in my face,” commented PenguinBomb, highlighting the weapon’s explosive nature and potential hazards.

WizardsinSpace praised the Airburst for its innovative design, describing it as a proximity-triggered mini cluster bomb disguised as an RPG.

Understanding Airburst Mechanics

Gorgewall clarified misconceptions about the Airburst, explaining its mechanics in detail and how players can effectively utilize it in combat scenarios.

Player Experience with Airburst

“I’m most surprised you didn’t kill yourself, standing that close,” remarked Uiop-Qwerty, emphasizing the weapon’s destructive power and the importance of caution in its usage.

Oklenovo mentioned the strategic use of airstrikes in conjunction with the Airburst weapon, revealing how players can combine different tactics for maximum impact on the battlefield.

Helldivers players continue to explore strategies and tactics with the Airburst weapon, showcasing the game’s dynamic and evolving gameplay experience.