Helldivers: A Dive into Player Sentiments

Helldivers players express frustrations at dwindling player base and slow progress.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players have taken to Reddit to express their frustrations about the dwindling player base and slow progress in the game. Players are concerned about losing major orders, the challenge of maintaining a healthy player count, and the need for changes to reinvigorate the community.


  • Players are feeling overwhelmed by the declining player count and slow progress in the game.
  • There is a sense of frustration over losing major orders and struggling to maintain a strong player base.
  • Some players see the failures as an opportunity for positive change and the rejuvenation of the community.

Huge_Tadpole_3013’s Concerns

Huge_Tadpole_3013 expresses concern about the sharp decline in player numbers, noting a significant drop in online friends playing the game.

Community’s Call for Change

Players like ViceyThaShizzle and ssthehunter see the failures as a chance for the game to evolve, emphasizing the need for rebalancing, new missions, and better incentives to attract and retain players.

Challenges of Sustaining Interest

Guilty-Oven9824 and SororitasPantsuVisor discuss the struggle to maintain progress and engagement, highlighting the frustration of losing major orders and slow advancements in the game.

Players like Radey0o criticize the lack of awareness from developers about the game’s current state, calling for more transparency and effective communication.