Helldivers: A Dive into New Armor Set Backlash

Check out the uproar over the new 'stealth' armor in Helldivers that doesn't quite make players happy.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players are in a frenzy over the recent introduction of a ‘stealth’ armor that seems to miss the mark on player expectations. A new armor set promised stealth capabilities but instead boosts throwing distance, leaving players feeling a mix of disappointment and frustration.


  • Players disappointed with new ‘stealth’ armor
  • Desire for more meaningful and varied armor passives
  • Suggestions for biome-specific armor bonuses
  • Request for separate armor booster slots

Players’ Disappointment

Some players expressed frustration over the new armor’s passive effects, deeming them ineffective or uninteresting. The promise of stealth capabilities not being delivered left many feeling let down

Variety and Meaning

Players voiced a desire for unique and purposeful armor passives, suggesting ideas like biome-specific bonuses or resistance attributes. They felt that the current offerings were repetitive and lacked creativity

Biome-Specific Bonuses

Suggestions were made for armor bonuses that would provide enhanced benefits on specific planetary terrains, adding a strategic element to outfit selection

Separate Booster Slots

There were calls for a system where armor boosters could be equipped separately, allowing players to customize their loadouts more effectively

The discussion around the new ‘stealth’ armor in Helldivers reflects a community longing for more engaging and diverse gameplay mechanics. Players are hopeful for future updates that will address their concerns and provide them with a richer gaming experience