Hawg: Diablo 4 Season 3 – Is It Fixed?

Read Hawg's latest video review on Diablo 4 Season 3 to find out if the game has been fixed or if it's more of the same.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo 4 Season 3 has arrived, but is it fixed? In his latest video, Hawg dives into the new season and shares his thoughts on whether the game has improved or if it’s just more of the same.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Season 3 introduces a new seasonal theme and a mechanical follower, but it’s more of the same.
  • A new dungeon called the Vault has been added, but it’s essentially a rebranded nightmare dungeon.
  • Leaderboards have finally arrived, but they function as weekly rotating challenge rifts.
  • Quality of life updates include permanent hell tides and improvements to UI, but no social features or clan updates.

Diablo 4 Season 3: The Same Old Story

Hawg starts off by expressing his dissatisfaction with the focus on seasonal themes in Diablo 4. He believes that the base game should be fixed before introducing new content. However, it appears that Blizzard has prioritized releasing an expansion and monetizing the game, rather than addressing the community’s concerns.

The new seasonal theme for Season 3 revolves around robots, with a mechanical follower that accompanies players. While this may seem exciting, Hawg points out that it’s essentially the same as previous seasons, just with a different skin and modifiers. He criticizes Blizzard for using words like “new” and “fresh” to describe these additions, when they are merely rehashed versions of existing features.

The Vault: A Nightmare Rebrand

One of the new additions in Season 3 is the Vault, a dungeon that resembles the vaults from Diablo 1. However, Hawg argues that it’s nothing more than a rebranded nightmare dungeon with different modifiers. He expresses disappointment in Blizzard’s lack of creativity and innovation, as they continue to recycle content without making substantial changes.

Leaderboards: A Disappointing Implementation

Blizzard had promised the arrival of leaderboards for Season 3, but Hawg reveals that they function more like weekly rotating challenge rifts. While he appreciates the addition of leaderboards, he believes that this falls short of the traditional leaderboards that many players were hoping for. It seems that Blizzard missed the mark once again in delivering meaningful and engaging endgame content.

Quality of Life Updates: A Mixed Bag

There are some quality of life updates in Season 3, such as permanent hell tides and enhancements to the UI. Players who have been longing for improvements to the Witch Doctor class will be pleased to know that they receive an extra stash tab. However, Hawg highlights the lack of social features and clan updates, which are sorely needed in a game that aspires to be an MMO.

A Missed Opportunity for Diablo 4

Hawg concludes his video by expressing his disappointment and disillusionment with Diablo 4. He believes that the game has failed to live up to its hype and has alienated its core fan base. He mentions that many players, including himself, have turned to Path of Exile for a more fulfilling and satisfying gaming experience.

Overall, Hawg’s review of Diablo 4 Season 3 suggests that the game is still plagued by the same issues and lacks the necessary improvements to keep players engaged. It remains to be seen whether Blizzard will address these concerns in future updates, but for now, many players are left feeling let down.