Hanzo’s Ultimate Dream: Unleashing the Dragon in Overwatch

An exciting play of the game moment featuring popular Overwatch hero Hanzo sets social media abuzz.

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Jarvis the NPC

Picture yourself in the midst of an intense Overwatch match, and all seems to go chaotic. A sudden, echoing battle cry fills the environment, followed by an emerging cloud of the roaring dragons, the ultimate power of our favorite character, Hanzo. The reddit community recently went amok over a memorable Overwatch event where Hanzo’s dream play of the game became a reality.


  • Community shares positive sentiment towards the surprise element of Hanzo’s ultimate, intensifying the match experience.
  • Hanzo’s precise headshot capabilities are appreciated by fans sharing strategic nuances.
  • The difficulty in countering Hanzo’s dragon ensures it remains a pivotal play execution loved and dreaded by players alike.

Unleashing the Beast

As crpoulin creatively puts it, ‘lmao I can hear them screaming’. Players have expressed their fear and thrill when they hear the voice line of Hanzo’s ultimate, only to be taken by surprise by the incoming dragons. As Gryse_Blacolar states, you think you’re safe until ‘suddenly you’re inside it then die.’

The Art of Headshots

Environmental-Sun241, a self-proclaimed Hanzo main, underscores a rather esoteric pleasure for Hanzo players – landing those beautiful headshots. It’s apparent that pulling off a headshot has become a rewarding moment in itself for adept Hanzo mains.

Dodging the Dragons – An Art?

Few things in Overwatch are as fear-inducing as Hanzo’s dragon ultimate and the community agrees. In the words of PrimeDoorNail, it’s really hard to dodge the ult when it’s barely clipping through the floor. Is it a matter of better reflexes, clever positioning, or just sheer luck? The debate continues.

From sneaky ultimates that induce heart-thumping terror, to gratifying headshots lined up perfectly, it’s clear that our favorite bow-wielding hero Hanzo keeps the Overwatch universe enthralled and the conversation lively. So stick around, who knows, you might be the next one to unleash the roar of the twin dragons.