Halo Infinite Beginner’s Guide How to Master the Basics Quickly

Looking to dive into Halo Infinite's multiplayer but not sure where to start? This beginner's guide covers essential tips for mastering radar, weapon selection, melee attacks, objective play, and more.

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Saad Hassan

Halo infinite Beginner

Halo Infinite Beginner’s guide

  • Pay attention to the radar and utilize different weapons and equipment.
  • Master melee attacks and constantly move around.
  • Play objectives and use the ping system and voice chat to communicate with your team.
  • Sprint wisely and take advantage of cover.
  • Practice and teamwork can make you a skilled Halo Infinite player.

Halo Infinite has been a highly anticipated game for fans of the series, and now that the multiplayer has been released early and is free to play, it has attracted many new Halo Infinite Beginner players to the game.
However, for those new to the series, Halo can be quite different from your typical first-person shooter game, with a lot of little tricks and quirks to learn if you want to win. In this beginner’s guide to Halo Infinite multiplayer, we will go over some tips and tricks to help you secure those big victories fast.

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Image via 343 Industries

Utilizing the Radar as a Halo Infinite Beginner

One of the most useful tools in Halo for beginners is the radar, located in the bottom left corner of your screen. It can warn you when enemies and vehicles are nearby, with enemies appearing as a red dot if they’re running or sprinting around.
However, if someone is immobile or crouching walking, they won’t appear on the radar. The blue arrow in the centre means you’ll appear on the radar of enemies. Paying attention to the radar as a Halo Infinite beginner can help you get the drop on other players and get quick and easy kills.

Mastering Weapon Selection For Halo Infinite Beginner

  • While the assault rifle is versatile, makes use of other weapons on the map.
  • The battle rifle and rocket launcher are great for different situations.
  • Alien weapons have unique perks, such as the Needler’s high rate of fire and lock-on projectiles.
  • Energy weapons are effective against enemy shields and can disable vehicles temporarily.
  • Having a wide knowledge of Halo’s arsenal is vital for winning.
Assault RifleVersatile, good at close-medium rangeInaccurate at long range, low damage
Battle RifleAccurate, good at medium-long rangeSlow fire rate
Rocket LauncherHigh damage, effective against vehiclesSlow reload time, limited ammo
NeedlerHigh rate of fire, lock-on projectilesRequires multiple hits to kill, limited ammo
Energy SwordInstant kill at close range, lunging abilityShort range, limited ammo
Plasma PistolCan disable vehicles, can overcharge for stunWeak damage against enemies, slow fire rate
You might find something that’s fun to use!

Melee attacking for Halo Infinite Beginner.

Melee attacking has been an integral part of securing kills in Halo for as long as the game has existed. Here are some tips to help you make the most of melee attacking:

  • A straight punch against an enemy at full health won’t take them down, so you need to soften them up with some shots and lower their shields first before going in for the kill.
  • Melee attacks are quick and deal high damage, and there are even spiked weapons that melee attack faster than a normal punch.
  • It’s important to know when you’re close enough to try and go for that punch to finish them off, even if Halo does have that weird thing where two people can kill each other with melee attacks simultaneously.
  • Melee attacks against someone’s back will instantly kill them, so if you think you’ve got the right positioning for it, save yourself a few bullets and just smack them across the back of the head.
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Image via 343 Industries

Importance of Objective Play in Halo Infinite Multiplayer

Halo does feel a lot like old shooters in some ways. It might not be as fast, but constant movement is still essential if you want to win a gunfight. On top of that, there are plenty of objective modes, and right now, Halo Infinite doesn’t have a playlist dedicated purely to Slayer.
So, it’s important to pay attention to the icons on your heads-up display so you can play the objectives. Racking up loads of kills is one thing, but playing the objectives is essential to winning in most of these modes. So don’t be that guy that doesn’t contribute.

Equipment in Halo Infinite

One of the newer features in Halo Infinite is how the equipment works. It’s now a pickup item you’ll find in maps, and each piece of equipment has a limited amount of uses, which varies per equipment. Some old favourites return, such as the active camouflage, which makes players almost invisible and stops them from appearing on enemy radars as long as they’re not sprinting or taking damage.

Movement in Halo Infinite Multiplayer

Next, let’s talk about movement in Halo Infinite multiplayer. As Luke mentioned, constant movement is essential if you want to win a gunfight. But what does that mean exactly? Well, first, it means that you shouldn’t stay in one place for too long. If you do, you become an easy target for snipers and other players who have a better position than you. Instead, try to keep moving and use the cover to your advantage. That way, you can surprise your opponents and take them down before they have a chance to react.

Mastering Sprinting in Halo Infinite Multiplayer

Another important aspect of movement in Halo Infinite is the ability to sprint. Unlike some other FPS games, sprinting in Halo Infinite is not unlimited. Your sprint meter will deplete over time, and once it’s gone, you’ll have to wait for it to recharge before you can sprint again.
This means that you need to use your sprint wisely. If you’re sprinting all the time, you won’t be able to use it when you really need it, like when you’re trying to escape from a dangerous situation.

Ping System in Halo Infinite

One way to communicate with your team is by using the ping system. As Luke mentioned, you can quickly mark things out for your teammates by tapping up on the D-pad or X on a keyboard. This is a simple, quick, and effective way to communicate information such as vehicles, weapons, or enemy locations.

Halo Infinite Beginner
Image via 343 Industries

Voice Chat in Halo Infinite

Another way to work together with your team is by using voice chat. If you’re playing with friends, you can use Xbox Live Party Chat or Discord to communicate with them. If you’re playing with random players, you can use the in-game voice chat. Just remember to be respectful and communicate effectively. Don’t be that guy who screams into the mic or insults other players.

Overall, Halo Infinite is an exciting and challenging game for new players. By paying attention to your radar, utilizing different weapons and equipment, mastering melee attacks, constantly moving, and working as a team, you can achieve success in Halo Infinite multiplayer. With practice and teamwork, you can become a skilled Halo Infinite player and rack up those big victories.