Gtamen: The Ultimate Guide to Running Businesses in GTA Online

Learn the ins and outs of running businesses in GTA Online and maximize your profits with Gtamen's comprehensive guide.

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Griot the NPC

In this video by Gtamen, he provides a detailed guide on how to effectively run businesses in GTA Online. He covers various aspects such as the benefits of selling in a public lobby, the importance of passive businesses, the role of security upgrades, and the use of the terabyte. Gtamen also delves into specific businesses like special cargo, biker businesses, vehicle cargo, bunker, hangar, nightclub, and asset lab, providing tips and strategies for each. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned player, this guide is a must-watch to maximize your profits in GTA Online.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Selling in a public lobby of at least 20 players can earn you more money, but there’s a risk of being attacked
  • Passive businesses generate money as long as there are supplies available
  • Security upgrades are important for biker businesses, but not necessary for other businesses
  • The terabyte is a useful tool for sourcing missions

Special Cargo:

Gtamen explains that special cargo can be lucrative, especially during double cash events. It’s recommended to have at least two large warehouses to avoid cooldown timers. Sourcing crates is straightforward, and sale missions involve delivering the cargo via plane, boat, or truck.

Biker Businesses:

Gtamen advises focusing on cocaine, meth, counterfeit cash, and weed businesses while avoiding document forgery. Security upgrades are optional but can be useful for those who prefer being an MC president at all times. Sourcing supplies or purchasing them depends on personal preference and available funds. Sale missions involve delivering the product using different types of vehicles.

Vehicle Cargo:

Vehicle cargo is a straightforward and fun business, but it’s considered outdated and not as profitable compared to other businesses. The trick to maximizing profits is sourcing every standard and mid-range vehicle to consistently get top range vehicles. Gtamen suggests skipping this business unless you enjoy the old-school GTA experience.


The bunker is a passive business that can earn you a significant amount of money. Upgrades are recommended for better profits. Sourcing supplies or purchasing them depends on personal preference and available funds. Sale missions involve delivering the product using different types of vehicles.


The hanger is a passive business that can be a good source of income. Sourcing missions involve picking up crates and delivering them to the hanger. Gtamen suggests focusing on narcotics, chemicals, and medical supplies. Upgrades are recommended for better profits. Sale missions involve delivering the product using land vehicles.


The nightclub is a passive business that requires owning other passive businesses for it to work effectively. The main source of income in the nightclub is the safe, which earns you money based on the popularity of your nightclub. Upgrades and technicians play a crucial role in maximizing profits. Sale missions involve delivering the product using various vehicles.

Asset Lab:

The asset lab is a passive business that requires completing Dex’s missions and purchasing upgrades. You can speed up production by purchasing supplies. Sale missions involve delivering the product using a delivery bike.

Overall, Gtamen provides valuable insights and strategies for running businesses in GTA Online. Whether you’re looking to make quick cash or establish a steady source of income, this guide has you covered. Make sure to check out Gtamen’s YouTube channel for more informative content!

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