Granblue Fantasy: Unveiling the Mythical Sigil Madness

Dive into the chaotic realm of mythical sigils in Granblue Fantasy and witness the madness unfold.

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy fans are losing their minds over mythical sigils and their intricate colors. Check out the chaos here!


  • Discover the wild world of Granblue Fantasy mythical sigils and their color intricacies.
  • Learn about the rules and strategies behind choosing the perfect sigils for your characters.
  • Explore how the community reacts to the ever-evolving meta of sigils in the game.

Chromunism’s Colorful Explanation

Chromunism breaks down the complex rules of subtraits for different colors. Grey, orange, blue, purple, and pink all have unique restrictions when it comes to choosing sigils.

Asmodyan’s Insightful Observation

Asmodyan suggests that grey sigils might be linked to the damage cap attribute. Their experience with HP/Damage Cap and Stun Up/Damage Cap sigils sheds light on this theory.

Endgam’s Bittersweet Revelation

Endgam shares a personal anecdote about owning a mythical sigil, only to have it become obsolete due to newer and more powerful sigils like Lucy’s. The fleeting nature of power in Granblue Fantasy.

Gadiusao’s Winning Strategy

Gadiusao celebrates their success with Attack sigils featuring the coveted Damage Cap attribute, proving that strategic sigil choices can lead to victory in battles.