Granblue Fantasy: Unveiling the Behemoth Mission Secrets

Discovering rare drops and secrets in Granblue Fantasy's Behemoth mission!

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy players were in for a surprise when a Reddit user stumbled upon the elusive war elemental during a Behemoth mission run, along with the coveted damage cap V+.


  • Players were excited to share unexpected drops and strategies from the Behemoth mission.
  • The community discussed drop rates and the possibility of obtaining rare items.
  • Insights were shared about the boss’s drop pool and farming techniques.

Excitement Over Rare Drops

The_Keebla’s discovery of the war elemental and damage cap V+ sparked excitement among players…

Drop Rates Debate

WhiteTigerSinon referenced drop rates from a previous post, shedding light on the rarity of curio drops…

Speculations and Farming

Players like Unusual_Giraffe8870 discussed the boss’s drop mechanics and encouraged others to farm for rare drops…

Discover the hidden treasures and secrets in Granblue Fantasy’s Behemoth mission, leading to new strategies and excitement within the community.