Granblue Fantasy: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Cagliostro’s New Body

Delve into the lore and secrets of Cagliostro's transformation in Granblue Fantasy.

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy continues to intrigue fans with mysteries surrounding Cagliostro’s new body transformation. Dive into the lore and find out more about this enigmatic character!


  • Cagliostro’s new body is a pursuit of idealized cuteness according to fans.
  • Speculations arise about Cagliostro’s inspiration and intentions behind the transformation.
  • The community is divided on whether the transformation is based on her sister or a random template.

Revelations and Speculations

Cagliostro’s new body seems to be a reflection of her pursuit of cuteness, as fans believe. Instead of a direct imitation, it symbolizes her desired form.

Fan Speculations

Some users suggest that the transformation could be a template altered to suit Cagliostro’s preferences, emphasizing her transition from male to female.

Gender Identity in Question

Discussions emerge regarding Cagliostro’s gender and how it influenced the choice of her new body, sparking intriguing debates within the community.

The Enigmatic Cagliostro

Cagliostro’s transformation remains a subject of fascination and debate, leaving fans captivated by the mystery shrouding her character.