Granblue Fantasy: Two-Crown’s Strife – Is it Worth the Grind?

Join the discussion on Two-Crown's Strife in Granblue Fantasy - is it living up to the hype?

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy fans are diving into the debate over the effectiveness of Two-Crown’s Strife. Are players on the same page or is there discord in the ranks? Let’s find out!


  • Players express mixed feelings about Two-Crown’s Strife cooldown mechanics.
  • Some find the skill too situational for practical use in most battles.
  • Others enjoy the skill’s potential in longer quests such as Behemoth battles.

Optimal Team Synergy

Zestyclose-Sundae593 highlights the need for improved windup times and CD mechanics for Two-Crown’s Strife and Seven Star Brilliance for better integration into optimal team strategies.

Short Quest Dilemma

Villag3Idiot points out that the skill’s cooldown often outlasts the duration of shorter quests, limiting its utility in many scenarios.

Personal Preferences

SnooWoofers2381 shares their experience, preferring Two-Crown’s Strife in Behemoth battles over Lucifer stages due to different cooldown requirements and battle dynamics.