Granblue Fantasy: Tweyen Quick Charge Comparison – Is It Worth It?

Is Tweyen's quick charge really worth it? Players share their insights on the controversial topic.

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy players are debating the value of Tweyen’s quick charge ability. Does it truly enhance gameplay or is it just a wasted slot?


  • Players are divided on whether Tweyen’s quick charge is beneficial or not.
  • Some argue that Warpath already reduces charge time, making quick charge redundant.
  • Others believe that quick charge can enhance combo potential and DPS.

Gankimari’s Observations

Gankimari conducted tests comparing Tweyen’s performance with and without quick charge. Despite the nominal reduction in charge time, the impact may not be significant enough to justify using the ability.

Community Insights

Jargonite suggests that the efficacy of quick charge depends on playstyle and the presence of other damage sigils. Quick charge may be more beneficial in certain combos, but suboptimal in others.

Player Reactions

Waiting404Godot found Tweyen’s base charge speed sufficient, questioning the need for additional quick charge abilities. The debate continues on whether quick charge is a valuable addition to Tweyen’s kit or a redundant choice.