Granblue Fantasy: How Much Crit % is Enough?

Dive into the critical world of Granblue Fantasy and explore the debate on how much crit percentage is truly 'enough'.

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy fans are in a frenzy over the age-old debate of how much crit percentage is truly ‘enough’.


  • Is 89% crit really enough?
  • Factors like buffs and abilities play a crucial role.
  • Seofon vs. Io: Who suffers more from low crit?

Hot-Sea6911’s Solution

Hot-Sea6911 suggests a simple solution to the crit dilemma – just equip another crit sigil! They propose swapping out Tyranny/Autorevive for Crit/Tyranny, solving the issue effortlessly.

FerrickAsur4’s Experience

FerrickAsur4 shares their experience, believing that 89-90% crit suffices, especially with the presence of Tempesta during burst phases. This assurance makes the loss of 10% crit seem less significant.

X3Noel’s Insights

X3Noel highlights the impact of crit on different characters, pointing out Seofon’s advantage with multiple hits compared to Io’s reliance on a single big hit. Understanding this distinction helps assess the importance of crit percentage.

Final Thoughts

The debate rages on in the Granblue Fantasy community, with fans weighing in on the importance of crit percentage and its implications in battle strategies. Whether it’s the agony of missing a crit or the thrill of maximizing damage output, finding the right balance of crit remains a hot topic for players.