Granblue Fantasy: Hilarious In-Game Combinations Spark Mixed Reactions

Check out how players react to unexpected in-game combinations in Granblue Fantasy!

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy fans had a good laugh recently when encountering unexpected combinations in the game. From unique pairings to downright quirky setups, the community shared their reactions and thoughts. Let’s dive into the fun!


  • Players find unexpected in-game combinations amusing but also frustrating at times.
  • The developers’ sense of humor shines through with these quirky setups.
  • Suggestions for improving sigil combinations to enhance gameplay experience.

Player Reactions to Unexpected Combinations

One user hilariously commented, ‘One of the worst ones I’ve seen yet XD,’ highlighting the sheer absurdity of certain pairings.

Another player jokingly mentioned, ‘I swear, the developers must’ve known about combinations like this but thought it would be funny to keep them in the game to troll us. 😆👍’

Improving Sigil Combinations

Some players expressed frustration, with one stating, ‘Really wish they code the sigils better so you couldn’t get things that didn’t work together 😕, very dumb design imo since it’s a pointless drop.’

Developer Humor Shines Through

Despite the mixed reactions, many appreciated the humor behind the unexpected combinations, adding an element of fun to the gameplay experience.