Granblue Fantasy: Behemoth Can Drops SuppV+ – What Players Are Saying

Discover what Granblue Fantasy players have to say about Behemoth drops and SuppV+ in this reddit post analysis.

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy players are buzzing about Behemoth drops and the SuppV+ they’ve acquired. Join the discussion!


  • Players excited about unique drops from Behemoth.
  • Speculation on possible versions for other elements.
  • Praise for the thrill of discovering new items.

Behemoth Drops

Players are thrilled about acquiring SuppV+ Nimble Onslaught from Behemoth, showcasing the excitement of unique drops and enhancing their gameplay experiences.

Elemental Versions

Speculation arises regarding potential elemental versions of SuppV+ drops from Behemoth, sparking creativity and anticipation among players.

Thrill of Discovery

The joy of uncovering new items like Untouchable from Behemoth adds an element of thrill and surprise to the gameplay, keeping players engaged and eager for more.

A look into the Granblue Fantasy subreddit reveals the enthusiasm and speculation surrounding Behemoth drops and the impact of these unique items on players’ experiences.