Get to Inazuma quickly in Genshin Impact

Learn how to get to Inazuma and explore a brand new nation as quickly as possible in Genshin Impact.

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Hamza Bakht

Genshin Impact Raiden Shogun Inazuma

Key Takeaways:

  • To get to Inazuma in Genshin Impact, complete the ‘Archon Quest Chapter II: Act I – The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia’ and achieve Adventure Rank 30.
  • Check your Adventure Rank by tapping on the Paimon icon in the main menu.
  • Farm Adventure EXP by completing quests, commissions, and tasks in the Adventure’s handbook, offering Anemoculus and Geoculus, using Resin, and finding treasure chests.
  • Unlock Inazuma by finishing the storylines of Mondstadt and Liyue, talking to Katheryne, meeting a Crux crew member, visiting the Crux Fleet, and speaking to Beidou.
  • Avoid attempting to get to Inazuma prematurely using glitches, as it may result in being struck by the Electro Archon’s lightning.
Inazuma temples with sakura blossoms in the back

Inazuma is one of the most exciting locations to explore in Genshin Impact. However, accessing this magnificent city requires fulfilling certain requirements and prerequisites. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to get to Inazuma in Genshin Impact.

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Requirements to get to Inazuma

Inazuma miko's temple

Before embarking on your journey to Inazuma, it’s important to ensure you meet the necessary criteria. To access the city, you must complete the ‘Archon Quest Chapter II: Act I – The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia,’ which serves as a crucial main story quest. Additionally, you need to attain Adventure Rank 30 (AR 30) to proceed further.

Checking your Adventure Rank

To determine your Adventure Rank, follow these simple steps:

  1. Tap on the Paimon icon to open the main menu.
  2. Look for your profile/name, where you’ll find the ‘Adventure Rank’ accompanied by a number. This number represents your current Adventure Rank.

Farming Adventure EXP: Tips and Tricks

Genshin Impact experience quests to level up

To level up your Adventure Rank and progress in the game, you need to accumulate Adventure EXP. Here are some tips to help you farm Adventure EXP efficiently:

  1. Complete all available quests listed in the ‘Quests’ section of the main menu.
  2. Engage in all four commissions each day, which become available at AR 16. Don’t forget to collect your reward from Katheryne.
  3. Accomplish tasks in your Adventure’s handbook, which offers various challenges and objectives.
  4. Offer Anemoculus and Geoculus to the Statues of the Seven in their respective regions.
  5. Utilize your Resin daily, even if it means spending it on Mora or EXP Ley Lines.
  6. Seek out and open treasure chests scattered throughout the world.

Get to Inazuma

Genshin Impact kazuha autumn wings, scarlet leaves quest to get to inazuma

To access the captivating realm of Inazuma, you must follow these steps:

  1. Complete the storylines of Mondstadt and Liyue to unlock the Archon Quest ‘Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves.’
  2. Once you’ve finished ‘Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves,’ visit Katheryne in Liyue. She will initiate the dialogue for ‘Chapter II: Act I – The Immortal God and the Eternal Euthymia.’
  3. After meeting with a Crux crew member and visiting the Crux Fleet near Guyun Stone Forest, speak to Beidou to make preparations for your departure.
  4. Witness the small cutscene, and you will find yourself transported to the Ritou’s docks, marking your arrival in the Inazuma region. We recommend following the storyline in Ritou until you obtain a Travel Permit, granting you free passage throughout the region.

Note: Some players have attempted to enter Inazuma prematurely by creating an extensive ice bridge using Kaeya’s skill. However, this method is not recommended as it involves exploiting a complex glitch, which may have already been patched. Furthermore, trying to reach Inazuma in this manner will result in the Electro Archon striking you with a bolt of lightning before reaching the shore.

By completing the ‘Archon Quest Chapter II: Act I – The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia’ and attaining Adventure Rank 30, you can embark on a thrilling adventure in the enchanting city of Inazuma. So grab your sword, gather your companions, and prepare for an unforgettable journey through Teyvat’s remarkable landscapes.