Get the Full Spectrum: The Colorful Debate on Tekken’s Customization

Gamers on an intriguing online thread discuss the shortfall in color customization in the popular Tekken game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken, the popular fighting video game, has been under the microscope recently. Members of the gaming community discuss their concerns about the limitations in color customization.


  • The users feel limited with color customization.
  • They desire to give characters more personalized look.
  • Some characters items can’t be color edited.

The Color Controversy

User ‘IfTheresANewWay’, who started the thread, expressed frustration over the color editing limitations in the game. This sentiment is shared by ‘RobRob1992′ who mentions, “Yeah, I hate that Ling’s shorts can’t be edited.” It seems the community is united in their desire for more color options. This reflects the players’ wish for a more personalized gaming experience and desire to see their ideas reflected in the characters they play.

Character-specific Woes

‘Psychic_Gian’ dropped in a comment that revealed another aspect of the discussion: “Devil jin’s wings!” Such character-specific concerns add another dimension to the conversation. The inability to color-customize key parts of certain character’s attire affects players’ perception of their characters and possibly their gameplay.

Slippin’ Under the Radar

While the mood of the thread is largely critical, user ‘Redgouf2’ adds a layer of fun, humorously commenting, “This post went over all ya’lls heads. 13 color slot options 👀” Perhaps not all is gloomy in the land of color customization. Or is this a light-hearted jab at the Tekken groaners?

Finally, there’s a clear consensus on needing more color choices in Tekken customization. It seems minor, but this color-clash does pose a significant question: In the rush to develop more characters, more levels and more challenges, has something as basic as customization been overlooked? Bringing humor, engagement and a slight challenge to the discussion, players remain hopeful for future improvements, where their rainbow dreams could become a reality. The vibrance of their characters is, after all, a reflection of the vibrance in their personas and play styles.